Reference: PV2536
Brand: Proviz
Proviz Reflect 360 Running Belt
The REFLECT360 running belt is a flexible and comfortable belt that allows you to keep all of your things in a secure place tight to your body and they won't bounce as you move.
Stongest in Finland
There are 11 products.
Reference: PV2536
Brand: Proviz
The REFLECT360 running belt is a flexible and comfortable belt that allows you to keep all of your things in a secure place tight to your body and they won't bounce as you move.
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This belt is good for running, cycling, walking and any other outdoor sport
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Brand: Proviz
Erittäin kevyt heijastinnauha joka nopea laittaa esim takin päälle. Yksi koko sopii kaikille. Perfect super lightweight hi-viz belt to give you protection when
Reference: 56260
Brand: McNETT
Teipillä sekä korjaat että teet tarvittavat heijastimet. Sopii esim repuille, vaatteisiin, telttoihin, jalkineisiin, pyöriin, autoihin jne. Teippi on vedenpitävää ja siinä on erittäin pitävä liima. 50 cm x 7,6 cm</s